
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Gosh so much has happened again since I last posted, but, this blog is not about my life, but about Montessori, so as I am returning to the classroom via a Montessori diploma and am starting some Montessori inspired parent and infant classes, I'm going to get right back on top of blogging some great Montessori thoughts, tips and ideas for bringing Montessori right into the home.

My children are getting so much older now and the beautiful Montessori quotation

"Help me to do it by myself" 

could be seen to be less appropriate now, but how wrong that would be.

As with all things, we parents are always the directors, the guiders if you like, not the teachers, the children teach themselves and at any age that is true. My role now as they get older is to listen to their choices, suggest my thoughts but to not do it for them or inflict my ideas upon them. Of course, I can reflect on their choices and give them my reflections, but I hope (in the truest Montessori way) that they will be independent enough to come to their own well thought through decisions. That is the goal we are all striving for right...although, on days when they all fight and bicker, I do wonder whether we will get there!

However, today I want to share with you a really simple piece of equipment that can help them to fold things, it can start as simply as with a tea towel, but eventually you can show them how to fold a simple t shirt.

First you need a few squares of plain fabric. It has to be plain as any patterns will detract from the activity.

I hemmed around the edges and then you can make different fold lines on them by sewing in a coloured thread.

Then show the child how to match the edges so that you are folding on the coloured line.



You can then do ones with several folds.

If you have an older child, you might even consider using this activity to introduce them to a cool iron and ironing board. We did this today and at 7, she was more than capable. My feeling is that as long as you can have them (the child) standing with both feet on the floor rather than on a stool, so they can reach the board (mine goes to a really low height) you can show them how to iron.

I just had to show you this as well. This is a child sized cheese or lemon/nutmeg grater. It's amazing what you can find when you look around. Thank you TKMaax!

Over the next few months as I begin to prepare for the Parent and Infant classes and my own Montessori journey I will bring you more reflections and share further ideas.

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